frequently asked questions

What is Luna Lu?

Luna Lu is a swimwear style recommendation engine that helps women discover styles and brands through our Quiz. There are endless places to buy swimwear online – Luna Lu’s purpose is to expand your options, with wider brand exposure, while refining your search to include only products that appeal. We gain an understanding of your preferences through a detailed Style Quiz, then provide you with personalized swimsuit recommendations. Our Style Review feature allows you to view more products and helps us learn more about your style. Your Recommendations will automatically be updated once you complete 50 Style Reviews.

Do brands pay Luna Lu to be featured on the site?

We are not affiliated with any of the brands, nor do we profit from the purchase of any products. We purposefully chose to remain brand agnostic - meaning we don’t prioritize showing you one brand over another. Any brand or product you see on our site is selected because they offer products that meet one or more of your preferences. Our goal is to offer you a wider selection of brands, so a Luna Lu search only weighs the selections based on your preferences. We have put thoughtful effort into choosing brands and styles to add to our inventory – each item is carefully selected to satisfy our wide assortment of users’ likes.

Is there a fee to use Luna Lu?

No, Luna Lu is a completely free service - for both the user and the brand.

Why do I need to create an account?

While the Style Quiz feature is important for us to understand your swimsuit preferences, our recommendations for you will be improved the more you do our Style Reviews. In order to maintain your personalized profile and refine the search to suit you, we need to make sure you have a way to securely check back in. The purpose of an account is so that you’ll be able to access and expand your Luna Lu likes, now or 6 months from now or whenever you’re shopping for swimwear. Your email and name will never be shared.

How is my data being used?

Luna Lu will never share your personal data to a third party. Our hope is to understand the swimwear industry better. Based on your preferences and all other Luna Lu users’ preferences, we hope to be able to supply swimwear companies with valuable (non-personal) data that can be used to create more products geared towards the user’s interest. By utilizing Luna Lu for your swimwear search, you are benefiting the entire swimwear industry by informing us about what customers like and don’t like and what they want to see more of.

How do I contact support?

We’re happy to help if you have any questions or concerns. Please email and we’ll respond to you shortly!

How can I reset my password?

On the sign in page, click the “Forgot password?” link under the Submit button, and you’ll be directed to reset your password with your email address.

Can I purchase products recommended to me?

Yes, we hope you do! While we don’t get a cut of the purchase, we love to support the brands. Click on the image of the item you’d like to learn more about or purchase, and you’ll be directed to the brand’s site. We apologize if an item is out of stock, but feel confident that we can find another swimsuit that you’ll love. Head to the Style Review page to start updating your recommendations.

How can I update what’s recommended to me?

Great question! Luna Lu was built to improve recommendations the more we get to know you. Remove items from your My Recommendations page and tell us why they don’t appeal, then visit the Style Review page to review 50 styles in order to trigger updates to our suggestions for you.

Why won’t my recommendations update?

The only ways to update your recommendations are to review 50 products on the Style Review page, or update your preferences in the Profile page.

What if an item I am recommended is out of stock or not in my size?

Luna Lu is not responsible for style inventory of brands, we are the tool that identifies products that suit your likes. By directing you to assorted brands, we will improve your chances of discovering new styles that are available.

The good news is, we have hundreds of products that we think you’ll love, so visit the Style Review page to start refining your selections and adding more items to your My Likes page.

What happens to the item I “liked” on the Style Review?

Every item you “liked” on the Style Review page gets saved on your My Likes page for you to access whenever you want. Purchase or view more about products by clicking on the image. Remove any items you aren’t interested in and head back to the Style Review page when you’re ready to see more styles!

How often is inventory updated?

We add new brands and styles to our inventory daily. We want to expose you to a wide variety of swimwear brands and styles within your preferences, so keep checking back to see what we’ve added!

How do I change my preferences?

Visit the Profile page to adjust the swimwear preferences you selected on the Style Quiz. Changing your answers will adjust the number of recommended styles in our inventory. Please note: the more narrow your style preferences, the fewer items we will have in our inventory. Rest assured, we’re continuing to add items so you can find more styles suited to you!

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